Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

We strongly believe that educators (teachers, trainers) at all levels will benefit from continuous professional development and training throughout your career. In partnership with the University of Nottingham, these professional development courses are designed to be practical and flexible. Each module lasts for approximately 2 – 3 hours and individual modules can be grouped into full training days as a ‘package’. The approach is to tailor to our clients’ needs. Each module can also be taken as standalone events, or paired with follow-up, workplace-based projects for maximum learning.


1) Pedagogy and Leadership in the 21st Century Classroom

This workshop will improve your understanding and skills in leading learning, managing classrooms and using technology in the classroom. It will allow participants to:

  • Apply leading learning principles to your own professional learning communities
  • Critically evaluate and apply pedagogic and andragogic principles to support learning
  • Evaluate existing learning software and utilise them to enhance the student experience

2) The Changing Landscape of Education

As the twenty-first century progresses, education is changing in response to the challenges that it poses. This module considers how education systems are changing to remain relevant by building the skills and competencies needed by learners looking to become successful participants in a globalised and increasingly technological world. It will allow participants to:

  • Explore the nature of education as a practice
  • Understand the changes which education is undergoing in response to a rapidly transforming environment
  • Interrogate their practice as educators in a dynamic world

3) The Digital Environment

Technology is an increasingly important element in any classroom.

There are many useful digital tools and platforms to support educators in their daily work. Teachers will need to pick up relevant skills to better adapt to the new teaching environment. This module aims to endow participants with that skill by:

  • Underlining the importance of technology in the pandemic and post-pandemic worlds
  • Introducing participants to the skills that they will need in the technology-enhanced and enabled classrooms of the future
  • Giving participants the opportunity to construct a flipped classroom of their own

4) Teaching & Learning in Higher Education & Beyond

Although it focuses primarily on higher education environments, this module looks at different approaches to education, placing teaching and learning in their proper perspectives as vehicles for student achievement. By its end, participants will:

  • Be able to draw distinctions between teacher-centred instruction and student-centred learning
  • Understand the role of technology in constructing the most effective educational environments
  • Have started to apply the principles and ideas covered to their professional environments

5) Curriculum

What is a curriculum? How does one help to promote improved student outcomes, and, more importantly, in what ways could curricula be developed to be more effective? In answers to these questions, participants in this module will:

  • Understand the different types and meanings of curricula
  • Connect curricula to their everyday practice
  • Learn how to construct a curriculum

6) Planning for Lesson

A lesson plan is a dynamic document that not only allows a teacher to prepare an individual lesson, but to place it in various contexts, including the conceptual, educational, temporal and policy-relevant. Producing a good lesson plan is an important skill for any teacher to be successful. In exploring the practice and theory of lesson plans, this module:

  • Outlines the nature and purpose of lesson plans
  • Considers different approaches to lesson planning
  • Gives participants the opportunity to construct a lesson plan of their own

7) Assessment for Learning

Assessment is central to the success of learning, whether it be formative or summative. This module considers different approaches, underlining their strengths and weaknesses while showing how they inter-relate within a purposeful overall educational programme. Participants will:

  • Link different assessment styles to learning outcomes
  • Consider the cognitive and academic foundations of successful assessments
  • Explore the place of assessment in their professional practice

8) Feedback for Learning

Education is at its most effective when learning is promoted by structured feedback from a teacher. This module encourages participants to consider the role of feedback in their practice by exploring how it relates to enhanced student outcomes. By taking the module, participants will:

  • Define feedback, considering its role in the promotion of learning
  • Place feedback into an overall practice focused on improvements to student outcomes
  • Explore different types of feedback and how they contribute to the educational mission

9) Classroom Management: Engagement, Inclusion and Differentiation

Success in education depends upon the extent to which students are engaged. Unfortunately, full engagement is often hampered by students’ inability to access the full range of learning experiences on offer. This module aims to address this issue by:

  • Showing how optimum engagement can only follow from students being included at all levels of the educational endeavour
  • Outlining differentiation strategies intended to improve inclusion in the classroom
  • Giving participants the opportunity to plan lessons that will allow them to put the strategies into effect

Group/Delegates Registration

Booking as a group gives you the opportunity to negotiate programme dates and packages. Bespoke training can be organised on group basis. Training can be provided on or off-site(online).

To sign up or for more details, leave us your contact details, and we will get in touch with you.
You can contact us at admissions@naa.edu.sg.


Apply for the next intake now! Or you can also contact us for your enquiry.


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